It goes without saying that image quality is critical for determining whether your virtual tour will be conceived as professional or not. But equally as decisive is the design around it, the design of your skin. Subconsciously, a visitor will judge your professionalism by factors such as the level of personalization of a tour, how the skin design supports the aesthetics of the object etc. It's fair to say you can almost consider yourself an architect in this regard.
All the more important then, that we keep providing you with great bases. About a week ago, we launched 10 new skin designs, which you can take the elements of and adapt them to your (or your customer's) taste, tour and logo. Today, we want to present to you an entirely new format for hotspots: Animated PNGs.
Animations make your hotspots more apparent, more inviting to be clicked on and instantly separate what is the clickable layer from the underlying media. They also give your tour a little bit of liveliness and movement, which is great especially when you base your tour on panoramas, rather than 360º videos.
Control the animation
Not only do your animated hotspots "move", you can also control the animation. You can stop it after one cycle, make it stop and stay in the first frame etc. Give it a try and play around with it.
Animated Hotspots in library & Create your own ones
We implemented a bunch of animated PNGs in the hotspot library inside VT PRO, but you can also go ahead and create your own ones. There's a few programs out there that let you create your own APNGs. Here's a free one (and we will also keep introducing new ones):
In order for the apng's to work inside VT PRO, make sure you untick the following options in the apng's "compression settings" and select the method "zlib":
After having created your animated PNG, you can simply import and save it into your 3DVista VT PRO library and use it inside your tours.
Why not GIFs?
Animated PNGs are comparable to GIFs in the aspect that they're moving. However, APNGs give much better quality than GIFs, which is why we decided to implement this format.
Enjoy 😉