This post aims to compile and organize all the available options for viewing your 3DVista tours without the need for an internet connection. Depending on your devices and needs, you can select the most suitable method for you. With this small guide, you can easily find the solution you need and connect with the instructions for each method in a clear and simple way.
For Windows or Mac devices:
Standalone Player Method
This involves publishing the tour by selecting this mode in the publication options of VTPro. This will generate a single file (.EXE for PC and tar.bz2 for Mac) that you only need to execute to play it offline. On Windows, for files larger than 4GB additional files (7zip) will be created. You can also share this file(s) via email, wetransfer, dropbox, etc.
Method of downloading the tour from the browser itself
This involves accessing the published tour online and downloading it to your computer. To do this, you need to publish the tour and upload it online (on 3DVista's hosting or any other) by selecting the option "Display download Message for Offline Playing". Then access the tour online from the browser (Chrome or Edge) and download it from the top message that will appear on the tour. This will create an icon on your desktop and when you execute it, it will display your tour in full screen as if it were an app.
More details on this method here.
For Mobile or Tablet devices:
Using the 3DVista app (available on Google Play and App Store)
This involves downloading and using the 3DVista app to view your tours. If you have them hosted on 3DVista's hosting, they will all appear in the Online tab, and from there you can select and download them so that they appear in the Offline tab. If you don't use 3DVista's hosting, you can publish the tours for "web/mobile" and copy the files to your phone/tablet in the 3DVista app folder. This way, when you open the app, it will recognize those tours and they will appear in the Offline tab for viewing.
More details on this method here
Method of downloading the tour from the browser itself (only for Android)
This involves accessing the published tour online and downloading it to your device. To do this, you need to publish the tour and upload it online (on 3DVista's hosting or any other) by selecting the option "Display download Message for Offline Playing". Then access the tour online from the browser (Chrome or Edge) and download it from the top message that will appear on the tour. This will create an icon on your desktop and when you execute it, it will display your tour in full screen as if it were an app.
More details on this method here.
For VR devices (Meta, Pico and HTC):
Using the 3DVista VR app (available in the main VR Stores)
This involves downloading and using the 3DVista VR app to view your tours.
You must publish the tours for "web/mobile" and copy the files to your VR device in a new folder called 3dvista. This way, when you open the 3DVista VR app on your device, those tours will appear and you can view them offline .
More details on this method for Meta Quest: here.
More details on this method for Pico devices here.
More details on this method for HTC Vive Focus 3 and HTC XR Elite: here.
Downloading the tour from the web browser
This involves accessing the tour published online and downloading it to your device. To do this, you need to publish the tour and upload it online (on the 3DVista hosting or any other) marking the option "Display download Message for Offline Playing". Then, access the tour online from the browser, save it to favorites, and download it from the top message that will appear in the tour. To view it online, you will only need to access the tour again from your favorites list.
More details on this method for Meta Quest and HTC devices here.
More details on this method for Pico devices here.