Tour Description:
Making museums open to the public 24/7 or documenting temporary expositions. Highlight pieces of art by making them fly in when being clicked on. Check out this and many more possibilities especially designed for this segment.
On this tour you can take a complete tour of one of the rooms of the Granada Science Park (Spain). It includes the temporary exhibition "Vital Impulse Nutrition". Thus, the viewer can make the visit completely the same as the route that he would do in the original exhibition, being able to contemplate and read all the information attached to the walls of the room while browsing, or by clicking on them to see them in the foreground, in detail, and even being able to zoom in to better contemplate a specific area.
The location map allows us to orient ourselves and directly access the room that interests us, or we can also follow the route established by means of the arrows on the floor, which will take us to the next panorama, or by using the list of miniatures below.
Through the use of hotspots, all the elements of the panorama can be highlighted when passing over them, and when clicking they bring us a popup image with the photo of the element in high quality for better visualization, or explanatory videos of the exhibition .
The tour was done with a Canon 6D DSLR and fisheye lens. Later the photos were joined using 3DVista Stitcher and retouched with editing programs.
A way to keep a temporary exhibition like this forever, and that users of any site can enjoy it from the comfort of their home and whenever they decide, making this type of content more accessible.
- Standard Panoramas
- Hotspots
- Popup Images
- Floorplan
- Video
- Background Audio