Snow Effect

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Tour Description:

A tour to congratulate everyone on Christmas. We turned a simple winter atmosphere panorama into a much more emotional experience thanks to the music, text messages and other details, but above all by the incorporation of the new "Snow" effect. With it, we provide the panorama with greater realism, depth and dynamism in the scene. This fully customizable effect will completely transform your panoramas, enriching them a lot and achieving an effect of surprise on your users.

On the tour, we chain different actions, adding messages, sound effects, etc … until we reach the climax of the music, where Santa appears flying over the town and just at that moment it begins to snow, as if by magic .

All these elements appear at different times, using the "delay" options in the actions of displaying components. The images and texts shown were created in illustrator and photoshop, and later inserted in the VTPro. The base panorama was designed and rendered with 3D software by Wyman, a member of the 3DVista community.

The tour can also be enjoyed in VR format for a better immersive experience.

Check out our post with the tutorial dedicated to this new effect to learn more about it.


  • CAD Panorama
  • Snow Effect
  • Hotspots
  • Background music
  • Audio
  • VR

Related Tutorial:

Post Blog:

Snow Effect for Virtual Tours