Virtual Tour – Heroes and heroines of Peru

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Tour Description:

The virtual tour "Heroes and heroines of Peru" was commissioned by the state oil company "Petroperú" to commemorate the bicentennial of the country's independence.

The aim was to bring the series of illustrations and mini-biographies that make up the book of the same name into a virtual room, in an exhibition curated by the artist Augusto Carrasco.

This experience, being innovative in our country, posed some challenges for us:

The first was to find a room composed of 3D renders that is functional and editable, to display the illustrations as planned. Using the 3Dvista Marketplace we were able to purchase the rights to the EzoVr “Warehouse PSD” room.

The second is to avoid the static route proposed by an exhibition of illustrations and to explore the possibilities of extended realities to create a dynamic and attractive space. Thus, by the hand of the Peruvian studio Mengana, the looped illustrations were animated that finally occupy some of the walls of the tour, filling the virtual space with life.

The last challenge was to give everything a friendly and accessible interface, both on desktop and mobile, that would allow indexing all the exposed characters, the artists and sharing the official texts. The work of putting together the route and the interface took us two days using 3Dvista.

The target audience is school children, so we needed to focus on a vibrant, simple and informative tour. The use of image popups, embedded videos and click and go technology made it possible.

In addition, for institutional reasons, it was essential to create links to social networks and also the possibility of sharing the tour on Facebook and Whatsapp, as well as naming everything correctly to guarantee accurate Google Analytics metrics.

In short, it is thanks to a great team and the right technology that we were able to create the content and program the exhibition that we share with you today.

Creator: Rodrigo Rodrich (Fábrica 360)
Client: Petroperú
Curator: Augusto Carrasco
Animation: Mengana Studio


  • CAD Panoramas
  • Video Hotspots
  • Popup Images
  • Info Windows

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