Conecta tus tours virtuales 3DVista a tu plataforma LMS utilizando nuestra API. Los tours virtuales son la herramienta perfecta para la capacitación, los exámenes, las pruebas interactivas, etc. Han demostrado generar niveles de compromiso que maximizan la atención y,...
This is an exciting one. We spiced up your skin library, added support for Animated Hotspots and aSCORM functions for Javascript Execution. Here are the details: Added 11 new Skins. Added over 30 new Skin Component sets to the Library. Added preview for...
This is a strong one: Added COPY/PASTE FOR HOTSPOTS with Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V. You can select several hotspots in the list with Ctrl or Shift pressed. Added COPY/PASTE FOR SKIN ELEMENTS with Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V. Added Copy/Paste options in the Edit menu. Added “Include...