Amplía tu biblioteca de iconos

Amplía tu biblioteca de iconos

¿Sabías que puedes guardar los iconos de nuestros ejemplos en tu biblioteca? Todo lo que tienes que hacer es descargar nuestros ejemplos de tours, abrirlos con VT PRO y clicar en el icono que quieres salvar. Haz click debajo del pequeño icono de configuración y...
New Beta Update 2018.2.0

New Beta Update 2018.2.0

Exciting new stuff on this one. Check it out, use it in our beta version and as always – get excited for it to move to the official 3DVista Virtual Tour PRO Version very soon 😉 Added new publish format “To 360º video” which converts and publishes...
New Beta Update 2018.1.0

New Beta Update 2018.1.0

This is what’s new in VT PRO’s beta version (What is the beta version? Click here to find out) We are talking about VT PRO beta here, yes – But, all these features will be implemented in the normal 3DVista Virtual Tour PRO software very soon, too. *...
New Update 2018.0.15 (19.07.2018)

New Update 2018.0.15 (19.07.2018)

Here’s what’s new: * The application now shows you the option to apply the Panorama Pose if it is found in the metadata. This means that if you’re using a one-shot 360º camera and it wasn´t perfectly levelled when you took a panorama, the software...