Dimitri Cassimatis is a 360 photographer and virtual tour creator based in Sydney, Australia. He specialises in high-end custom branded virtual tours with his company Simply 360. As he made the choice to switch his business over to 3DVista in Summer 2020, he kindly...
A little “Thank You” Feature It’s that time of the year. The time to conclude the year, to pause and reflect, to send greeting cards to your loved ones, to snuggle up at home and dive into christmas stories (and cookies). Yes, winter has arrived in...
Remember the big launch of our Live Guided Tour feature? It turned out to be definitely one of our superstar features. As you know, it was our big goal to keep this a free tool for everybody. So that's how we developed it: Using tech that allowed us to offer it at no...
Creating interactivity in 3DVista, while very powerful, has always been a little bit click-intense. The wide range of options when it comes to hotspots inevitably entails a number of settings and steps that you have to go through when it comes to setting a hotspot....
In the past weeks, we’ve seen the launch of some completely new features and functions, such as the E-Learning Module or Live Guided Tours. These upcoming weeks are dedicated to optimizing what’s already there, to make workflows more intuitive and...
The icon library in VT PRO gives you many ways to customize your tour with different icons for different hotspots for instance. However, while customizing the hotspots down to each individual spot by creating them individually, it sometimes comes in handy to be able...
We receive many emails daily asking which parameters you can add to a virtual tour's URL, to control the language, position, media, hotspot or even field of view that it leads to. That's why we thought it would be handy to post a list with all possible...
We’ve recently developed a new hotspot type and it hasn’t been properly announced yet. So here’s the official blog post on the new Floating Hotspots and how they’re different from Sticker Hotspots. As the name would suggest, the...
Deep linking allows you to define a URL that’ll open your virtual tour directly in a determined media and/or hotspot. So instead of opening the tour where it normally starts – usually the first panorama in your playlist – it’ll let you define...
The new solution for taking clients, students or colleagues on a virtual walk-through that truly is shared. Live-Guided Tours allow you to have a video call inside of a virtual tour. For the personal touch and assistance that remote showings may have lacked up to...
This update opens up a completely new world to all 3DVista users out there: The new E-Learning Module may open a range of new applications thanks to gamification mechanics for some and pave the way into a completely new industry for others. Here’s all the new...
WebXR is the latest evolution in virtual and augmented realities. The new standard for building VR and AR experiences on the web is intended to replace WebVR. In fact, since last Tuesday, Oculus no longer supports WebVR at all, rendering virtual tours based on that...