WebXR è l'ultima evoluzione della realtà virtuale e aumentata. Il nuovo standard per la creazione di esperienze VR e AR sul web è destinato a sostituire WebVR. Da martedì scorso, infatti, Oculus non supporta più WebVR, rendendo completamente inutili i tour virtuali...
Our team of graphic designers created 8 beautiful new skins and dozens of skin elements, which will give your virtual tours the last bit of “architectural hue” to wow your audience. As of today, you can find them in your skin library, ready to spice up...
Improved the loading speed in the Player. Added over 90 animated hotspots to the library. Added Font Size resizable option in “Edit Styles” popup for Label, Multiline Text, Button, DropDown, Tab Panel and ThumbnailList components. Added...
The list of new features in this one is long, starting with the long awaited Undo and Redo buttons and finishing with a new Panorama Type: The Animated Panorama has already been moved from the beta into the official software and is now available in your...
Highly anticipated and finally here: As of today, our beta version supports Animated Panoramas. That means you can overlay videos on top of your panorama (“video hotspots”) making it look like a part of the panorama is animated. In our first demo, have...
Virtual tours can present an actual physical space by means of 360º photos or a fictional, non-existing space by means of computer generated 360º images. This allows us to equally present spaces that already exist and spaces that are planned, about to be built or...
We have opened our beta line for 3DVista Virtual Tour PRO to the public. Others limit their circle of beta users to a small elite group, but we've decided to open this line to anyone who wants to keep right at the forefront of progress. In other words, we are publicly...