Data la moltitudine di dispositivi, sistemi operativi utilizzati, età, ecc. Esistono molte varianti su come eseguire questo processo, che abbiamo spiegato nei tutorial successivi. In questo post raccogliamo e ordiniamo tutti questi metodi per una maggiore facilità...
Personalizza e gestisci le tue schede Quiz e gli elementi di e-learning Scopri come personalizzare le schede dei quiz e le finestre dei rapporti in modo che corrispondano al resto del layout del tour virtuale, come puoi migliorare la gestione dei contenuti e-learning...
Affittare, affittare e vendere Case – più facile e veloce Probabilmente non c'è bisogno di approfondire la spiegazione del valore che la messa in scena virtuale ha nell'edilizia e nel settore immobiliare. I numeri parlano da soli e considerando che l'acquisto di...
Want certain customers to open your tour at a certain point, room or even hotspot? No problem. 3DVista now features deep linking on media and even hotspot level. This means you can send custom links (of one and the same virtual tour) that determine where exactly the...
As of last week, there are 8 new skins for you to use. We have categorized them into modern, classic, community and enterprise so there should be something for everyone’s needs. You can also mix and match components of different skins and design your own ones...
The amazingly versatile “Autotrigger at Start” function not only allows you to have all hotspots invisible when opening a tour or a panorama, it basically allows you to perform any kind of automatic action at the start of a new media. This makes it great...
Discover a tour and have parts of it come to life Having people inside the scene explain and guide you through the tour is the next big thing. Thanks to our new Animated Panorama, you can make certain areas inside your still panorama come to life. Whether you...
Give your customers a VR headset with a virtual tour playing inside and you’ll see them “wow” like little kids. THIS is what showcasing a place should feel like. Any tour created with 3DVista can easily be made VR compatible with any headset by...
This is how we created our New York City Loft Tour. What's so special about this tour is a) it's been created with panoramic CAD images and b)it features Virtual Staging – great for architects, photographers and realtors (or just anyone wanting to compare and... In this clip, we show you how to shoot and create a Live Panorama, a type of panorama that you can only find in 3DVista software. Live Panoramas consist of several panoramas of the same scenery taken at different...