Virtual Tours on YouTube

Virtual Tours on YouTube

3DVista VT PRO includes a new export format which converts your virtual tour into a 360º video, ready to be uploaded onto “video-only” platforms and thus significantly increasing your reach. We get asked this a lot, and yes, you can upload your virtual...
NEW UPDATE: 2019.0.8

NEW UPDATE: 2019.0.8

The existing just got better 😉  Improvements for Adaptive 360 Video (requires “clean cache”).  Fixed a problem with loading the viewer selected in the “Media Control” action (reported by B P). Fixed an incorrect height in the preview with the...
NEW UPDATE: 2019.0.7

NEW UPDATE: 2019.0.7

Permission to select all media elements (including media outside of the Carousel) in the “Custom” option for Thumbnail List and Dropdown components. Fixed the zoom value, which wasn’t updated in 360º Video when you changed from one media to another...
NEW UPDATE 2018.3.0: Highly improved speed and more

NEW UPDATE 2018.3.0: Highly improved speed and more

Improved the loading speed in the Player. Added over 90 animated hotspots to the library. Added Font Size resizable option in “Edit Styles” popup for Label, Multiline Text, Button, DropDown, Tab Panel and ThumbnailList components. Added...
NEW UPDATE 2018.2.5 & 2018.2.6

NEW UPDATE 2018.2.5 & 2018.2.6

The Windows Autoexecutable file now is a single EXE file if the tour is greater than 1 GB. Added “Change Source” button for Video Hotspots. Reduced the autoexecutable file size. Some fixes and minor...
New Beta Update 2018.2.0

New Beta Update 2018.2.0

Exciting new stuff on this one. Check it out, use it in our beta version and as always – get excited for it to move to the official 3DVista Virtual Tour PRO Version very soon 😉 Added new publish format “To 360º video” which converts and publishes...
Animated Panorama

Animated Panorama

Discover a tour and have parts of it come to life   Having people inside the scene explain and guide you through the tour is the next big thing. Thanks to our new Animated Panorama, you can make certain areas inside your still panorama come to life. Whether you...