Non vedevamo l'ora di scrivere questo post: negli ultimi 9 mesi, il nostro team ha lavorato a un rinnovamento completo della nostra tecnologia di visualizzazione dei tour virtuali. Abbiamo implementato la multirisoluzione, che migliora molto i tempi di caricamento e...
È stata di gran lunga la funzionalità più richiesta per il nuovo workshop 3DVista GSV – Linking to a Business. Ti abbiamo ascoltato e lo abbiamo inserito nel nostro piano di sviluppo 🙂 Ora hai davvero uno sportello unico e puoi caricare il tuo tour virtuale su...
The existing just got better 😉 Improvements for Adaptive 360 Video (requires “clean cache”). Fixed a problem with loading the viewer selected in the “Media Control” action (reported by B P). Fixed an incorrect height in the preview with the...
Permission to select all media elements (including media outside of the Carousel) in the “Custom” option for Thumbnail List and Dropdown components. Fixed the zoom value, which wasn’t updated in 360º Video when you changed from one media to another...
New Deep Linking “trigger-overlay-name” and “trigger-overlay-event” options for the tour url. Allows you to customize a tour’s URL so that it opens directly in specific spots and with specific hotspots. This allows you to send...
This is an exciting one. We spiced up your skin library, added support for Animated Hotspots and aSCORM functions for Javascript Execution. Here are the details: Added 11 new Skins. Added over 30 new Skin Component sets to the Library. Added preview for...
Our team of graphic designers created 8 beautiful new skins and dozens of skin elements, which will give your virtual tours the last bit of “architectural hue” to wow your audience. As of today, you can find them in your skin library, ready to spice up...
Improved the loading speed in the Player. Added over 90 animated hotspots to the library. Added Font Size resizable option in “Edit Styles” popup for Label, Multiline Text, Button, DropDown, Tab Panel and ThumbnailList components. Added...
The Windows Autoexecutable file now is a single EXE file if the tour is greater than 1 GB. Added “Change Source” button for Video Hotspots. Reduced the autoexecutable file size. Some fixes and minor...
This is a strong one: Added COPY/PASTE FOR HOTSPOTS with Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V. You can select several hotspots in the list with Ctrl or Shift pressed. Added COPY/PASTE FOR SKIN ELEMENTS with Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V. Added Copy/Paste options in the Edit menu. Added “Include...
Exciting new stuff on this one. Check it out, use it in our beta version and as always – get excited for it to move to the official 3DVista Virtual Tour PRO Version very soon 😉 Added new publish format “To 360º video” which converts and publishes...
The list of new features in this one is long, starting with the long awaited Undo and Redo buttons and finishing with a new Panorama Type: The Animated Panorama has already been moved from the beta into the official software and is now available in your...