How to use the new Virtual Tour Skins

How to use the new Virtual Tour Skins

As of last week, there are 8 new skins for you to use. We have categorized them into modern, classic, community and enterprise so there should be something for everyone’s needs. You can also mix and match components of different skins and design your own ones...
New Beta Update 2018.2.0

New Beta Update 2018.2.0

Exciting new stuff on this one. Check it out, use it in our beta version and as always – get excited for it to move to the official 3DVista Virtual Tour PRO Version very soon 😉 Added new publish format “To 360º video” which converts and publishes...
Animated Panorama

Animated Panorama

Discover a tour and have parts of it come to life   Having people inside the scene explain and guide you through the tour is the next big thing. Thanks to our new Animated Panorama, you can make certain areas inside your still panorama come to life. Whether you...
Tutorial on Virtual Staging (by swapping panoramas)

Tutorial on Virtual Staging (by swapping panoramas)

This is how we created our New York City Loft Tour. What's so special about this tour is a) it's been created with panoramic CAD images and b)it features Virtual Staging – great for architects, photographers and realtors (or just anyone wanting to compare and...
Major UPDATE – Undo/Redo & Animated Pano (2018.1.2)

Major UPDATE – Undo/Redo & Animated Pano (2018.1.2)

The list of new features in this one is long, starting with the long awaited Undo and Redo buttons and finishing with a new Panorama Type: The Animated Panorama has already been moved from the beta into the official software and is now available in your...
Out NOW: Animated Panoramas

Out NOW: Animated Panoramas

Highly anticipated and finally here: As of today, our beta version supports Animated Panoramas. That means you can overlay videos on top of your panorama (“video hotspots”) making it look like a part of the panorama is animated. In our first demo, have...
360º and true 3D

360º and true 3D

Virtual Tours & Virtual Reality (VR). These two go together like bread and butter, needle and threat or cheese and wine.   Virtual Tours seen on VR headsets are the ultimate experience. You can show 360º scenes in actual 360º, where the user can freely look around...
Features Presented: 3D EFFECT

Features Presented: 3D EFFECT

Today’s episode is about a feature that many virtual tour creators appreciate so much, they’ll buy a special camera worth 6 months’ rent and pay a significant monthly fee just to get it. We are talking about 3D transition effects, which simulate...