New Skins & Hotspot icons

New Skins & Hotspot icons

A little pre-christmas gift to all of you: Two new skins – one for cars, one for boats and lots of new hotspots by popular request. Enjoy making them yours! You can find the new skins and hotspot icons included for free in your latest version of 3DVista Virtual...
Advanced Analytics

Advanced Analytics

After all the time you invest in creating your virtual tours, it is not only very interesting but also important to know how well your tours do, what paths and flows your audience follows and what wokrs for your tours and what doesn’t (in terms of hotspot...
Little Planet Effect

Little Planet Effect

VT PRO’s last update (2019.2.1) introduced a new perspective and intro effect that was widely requested (yep, it is admittedly a fun little feature). It’s called little planet (or tiny planet or small planet…) and it’ll start your tour from a...
Multiresolution — New Viewer Technology

Multiresolution — New Viewer Technology

We’ve been dying to write this post: For the past 9 months, our team has been working on a complete make-over of our virtual tour viewer technology. We implemented multiresolution, which improves loading times a lot and lets you include much bigger and higher...
Thumbnails on Social Media

Thumbnails on Social Media

We get asked this a lot, so here’s a post on how to share a link to your virtual tour on social media WITH a thumbnail.  Good news for 3DVista Hosting Users For all of those using 3DVista Hosting, you will have noticed that the program automatically assigns a...