How can we help?
General & Pre-sales
- Are there trials for the software products?
- Can a 3DVista project be used with my colleagues / team / work together / shared / sharing?
- Can I pass on or resell my license to others?
- Can I replace the '' sign in the splash screen of the viewer with my own logo or brand?
- Can I upgrade from 3DVista Stitcher to 3DVista Virtual Tour Suite?
- Can I upgrade from Virtual Tour Suite Standard to Pro?
- Discount for Kolor users
- Do I have to pay something else after I purchased a license?
- Do my customers need to install plug-ins or extra software in order to see my virtual tours?
- Do you have educational or academic discounts?
- Does 3DVista offer a discount for 'bulk' orders?
- Does my client need to have 3DVista VT PRO to watch/play a virtual tour?
- Download Official version of VT PRO & BETA
- Hardware Requirements
- How do I move my license to a new computer?
- How do I update my software to the latest version?
- How many computers can I use with my license?
- How to change my 3DVista Password
- How to customize the texts and options that appear in the right click menu in 3DVista tours?
- How to make a backup or export a VT PRO project with all its media
- How to use the Virtual Tour on my own website (Wordpress | Wix | Custom HTML)
- I am new to this field. What is the right program for me?
- I can't install or open 3DVista VT Suite or Stitcher programs in my Mac. l get a warning saying that "the identity of the developer can not be confirmed".
- I purchased the software. How do I register it?
- I want to use 3DVista Hosting. What plan is right for me? What is the Storage and Bandwidth I need?
- If I create a demo project with the trial version, will the watermark be removed when I purchase the program?
- In the trial version the photos and panoramas are watermarked. Does the watermark disappear when I purchase and register the software?
- Is 3DVista software reliable and stable? What if I have a problem?
- Minimum setup requirements
- Move license to another pc/machine
- Once I purchased the software, can I create an unlimited amount virtual tours? Is there a limit of users that can see my virtual tours?
- Pre-sales live guided tour demo question
- Saving a 3DVista project, creating a Backup with Media and Duplicating your project
- Trial expired
- What am I buying? Do I get a hardcopy of the software?
- What does immersive mean?
- What is the difference between a panorama and a virtual tour?
- What's the difference between an Update and an Upgrade?
- Which payment methods do you accept?
- Why 3DVista?
- Why do I have to pay for Upgrades
- Will the created virtual tours play on any device with internet?
- Will the program work if I change platform?
Panoramas & Stitcher
- Can I create Live Panoramas or Adaptive HDR Panoramas with other softwares, too?
- Can I import panoramas that I have already created in other stitching programs to be presented in 3DVista virtual tours?
- Can I stitch RAW images?
- Can I use 360º cameras with 3DVista VT PRO?
- Cropping panoramas to have a limited Field of view
- How do I import files from my Ricoh Theta or Insta 360 as they are not jpg or png files?
- What are HDR panoramas?
- What equipment do I need to create Panoramas?
- What is a Live Panorama?
- What is a panorama?
- What is a partial and a full panorama?
- What is the difference between normal HDR and the new 3DVista Adaptive HDR panorama?
- What kind of projections can I export my panoramas to?
- Which graphical formats are supported as output of 3DVista Stitcher 4?
- Which image formats are supported as input in Stitcher 4?
Virtual Tours
- Can I add background music or audio to be played during the whole virtual tour?
- Can I have more than one slideshow in my presentation?
- Can I use a 360°x360° panorama in my virtual tours to allow me to look up, down, left and right?
- Can I use a tour's URL to define or modify the panorama or media with which the tour will start (deep linking)?
- Can I zoom in and out of virtual tours?
- Can the virtual tours created with 3DVista software be controlled without touching the screen, just by spinning my mobile devices?
- Creating a virtual tour with panoramas from beginning to end
- Do I need special equipment to create a virtual Tour?
- How do I get my tour to start in a certain spot?
- How do I see my tours using Oculus Rift or HTC Vive?
- Is there a limit of media (photos, audio tracks, info boxes) that I can integrate in a virtual tour?
- Selecting first view that shows up / Starting point of virtual tour
- What is a tripod cap?
- What is a virtual Tour?
- What is immersive audio?
- What is the lens-flare effect?
- What is the mobile version option for?
- What kind of file format will I create as output?
- Where are 3DVista VT PRO Projects stored?
- Which graphical formats are supported as input? What file types will 3dvista Virtual Tour Suite accept?
- Which parameters in the virtual tours can be modified?
- Will my virtual tours work on any device, operative system and browser?
- Adding hotspots (dynamic and static) to 360º Video
- Can I add floor plans and make them interact with my virtual tours?
- Can I add photo albums and slideshows to my tours?
- Can I preset a specific path with waypoints in my panorama in order to have an auto-guided visit?
- Control videohotspot in panorama through actions
- Custom Pop-Up Window with Video (play video in viewer)
- How can I connect different (media) elements of my virtual tour? What is a hotspot?
- How can I show and hide elements when entering or exiting a media?
- How do I pause the global music when this opens on click?
- Making a viewer open media/content
- Mute and Unmute media (Action in Media Control)
- Photo with Hotspots
- Timing a trigger such as playing a video after 3 seconds
- Video needs to disappear after it ends automatically
- What is a tool tip?
- What is an info window and how can I customize it?
- What is the ‘thumbnail list’ element of a skin?
- What is the interactive video feature?
- What is the radar effect on floor plans?
- What kinds of Hotspots can I integrate in 3DVista Virtual Tour PRO?
Skin & Interface
- Aligning skin elements
- Can I add images to my skin?
- Can I add my own buttons to a skin?
- Can I create skins that run in full screen?
- Can I create skins with fixed size to embed in existing webpages?
- Creating a mobile skin
- How can I display titles or descriptions of photos in a photo album?
- How can I make the skin of my tour to be responsive in all mobile devices?
- How can I replace one skin element with another (for example a button)? Either using an existing one from the library or by a new image.
- How to make extra Viewers work in 3DVista VT Pro
- I have two different tours. Can they be merged into one? Or at least, can I combine two different skins?
- Is it possible to add resizable fonts also to Stylable and Multiline Text in the skin?
- Is there any way that the text sizes adapt according to the screen size and work responsively?
- Is there anyway to disable the “rotate your device” options for iPad usage?
- Skin: Dropdown button
- Web Frame
- What is a SKIN and how can I change their designs?
- What is the ‘drop-down menu’ element of a skin?
- What is the ‘floor plan’ element of a skin?
- What is the ‘panel’ element of a skin?
- What is the ‘tab’ element of a skin?
- What is the ‘text or label’ element of a skin?
- What is the ‘viewer’ element of a skin?
- What is the difference between choosing ‘pixel units’ and choosing ‘percentage units’ for an element of the skin?
- When importing my own animated hotspot icon (APNG) into the library, I get the message "Format or compression not supported." What am I doing wrong?
- Why do some texts, although I see them well in the program, appear cut off when I publish?
Publishing & Sharing
- Although adjusting and aligning a hotspot on a panorama well, then in the preview it does not show correctly
- Can I decompress a Standalone file so it does not have to do do the extraction step each and every time I start the exe tour file?
- Can I post/show virtual tours on any page or do I need a special player?
- Can I share my virtual tour on facebook, twitter or other social networks?
- Deep linking
- How and where can I publish my virtual tour?
- How can I access my 3DVista account? How do I log-in (connect) to my control panel?
- How do we implement Google Tag Manager in 3Dvista?
- How to customize the URL of your tours to your own domain.
- How to preview your mobile skin on your PC or Mac.
- How to refresh a thumbnail in social networks
- I can't see my 360 Videos in my tour when I host on my own server. What am I doing wrong?
- I can't understand why, on online tours, when my tour starts I don't hear the audio. How can I solve this?
- I changed the thumbnail and/or name of my virtual tour. Why do these not change in the tour posted on facebook?
- I want to host on my own server. What specs should it have?
- In which formats can I publish my 3DVista virtual tours (output)?
- MIME types
- What is the 3DVista Cloud/Hosting service?
- What is the optimum file size for a virtual tour?
- What's the maximum amount of panoramas, pictures, videos and 360º Videos I can add in one project ?
- When opening Mac standalone executables, I get an error message indicating that the file is damaged. Windows executables created at the same time work fine. What can I do?
- Why should I export my virtual tour to the Standalone format?
- You can export your virtual tours in two different formats: For the web and/or as a Standalone file.
Android & iOS App
3DVista Cloud
- 3DVista Cloud control panel
- I have recently purchased 3DVista VT Pro. How do I start using the 3 month trial hosting offer?
- My 3DVista hosting got expired, are my tours now deleted?
- Remove a tour from 3DVista Cloud
- When I try to upload my tour to the hosting size it says there is no space, but my tour is only XX and my Hosting plan is YY
Live Guided Tours
- My tours are not working on the Pico VR App. It just shows a screen that alternates between dark and light gray. What should I do?
- The 3DVista app crashes when starting it on my Quest device. Why is that?
- Virtual Reality / VR - supported actions
- When I view my tour in VR mode there is a floating menu where I can select the Media to view. How can I disable it from my tour?
- Which VTPro features work in VR and which don't?
Google Street View
Media types and settings
Tips & Tricks
- Getting userID through Javascript upon start
- How to create a compass
- Is there a way to reload a tour as an action?
- Javascript
- Live and Adaptive HDR Panoramas with 360º Cameras
- My text is not showing in the Translation tab
- Timing a trigger such as playing a video after 3 seconds
- To register on the 3DVista Market place:
- Work together with your team on a 3DVista project
- How can I define that some objects cast shadows or not?
- How can I include different animations independently to my 3D model?
- How to add the measurement function to my 3D Models
- I have a tour with a 3D model in First Person View mode, it looks fine on desktop and mobile, but when entering VR mode, it is viewed from a very low height, as if the camera were at ground level. Why does this happen?
- Improve the performance of the tours with 3D models by ensuring that Chrome uses the Dedicated Graphics Card
- In a 3D model, how can I insert a hotspot in an object or element that is only visible during a moment of the animation because at rest it is covered by another object above?
- The texture of my 3D Model looks blurry when I rotate it and view it at an angle to the camera. When viewed from the front, it looks sharp. Can this be fixed?
- Why are my models sometimes not displayed correctly, I only see part of them, as if they were cut or some parts seem to flicker when I move the camera?
- Why do the transparent objects in my 3D model appear opaque?
- I can´t navigate my virtual tour with the cursors when my tour is embedded in another webpage
- Important: Beware of applications like "Clean My Mac" or "CCleaner"
- Troubleshooting for 3DVista Live Guided Tours
- When using a 3D transition things turn white during the transition (like a bright flash). How can I fix this?