Extend your icon library

Extend your icon library

Did you know that you can save our sample icons to your library? All you need to do is download our demo tours, open them in VT PRO and click on the icon you want to save. Click on the little orange settings icon right below and select “Save this icon to your...
Semana Santa in 360º

Semana Santa in 360º

Semana Santa, the Holy Week in Spain is the annual tribute of the Passion for Jesus Christ celebrated by Catholic fraternities (Spanish: cofradías).  During the last week of Lent, the week immediately before Easter, the streets are filled with processions that...
Virtual Tours on YouTube

Virtual Tours on YouTube

3DVista VT PRO includes a new export format which converts your virtual tour into a 360º video, ready to be uploaded onto “video-only” platforms and thus significantly increasing your reach. We get asked this a lot, and yes, you can upload your virtual...
Animated Hotspots (APNG's)

Animated Hotspots (APNG's)

It goes without saying that image quality is critical for determining whether your virtual tour will be conceived as professional or not. But equally as decisive is the design around it, the design of your skin. Subconsciously, a visitor will judge your...