Welcome to the
3DVista Family

Get your credentials
We just sent you an email with your username and password. If you can’t find it, please make sure to check your spam folder.
If you forgot your password you can reset it here

If you haven’t already done so for your trial, download and install the program. If you already used the trial version, continue using that same program.

Upon opening the program, you’ll see a registration window pop up. Insert your username and your password here. That’s it. From now on you can use the software freely.
Important info for macOS users
Due to some security changes in OSX 10.9.5 and 10.10 some users have reported that they get an error when launching 3DVista software with the text "Can't be opened because the identity of the developer cannot be confirmed".
To solve this problem first please go to System Preferences and then click on Security & Privacy.
After that you will want to click on the lock in the bottom left corner, and then make sure Allow apps downloaded from: Mac App Store and identified developers.
In some cases you will see the option to open anyway during this step.
After that please go to the Applications folder and right-click on the 3DVista .app file, and select Open from that list. You will see the same message, but will have an "Open" button to allow it to launch.
What you're also getting
Enjoy your Gifts
To get you up to a quick start, we are giving you a free 3-month trial of our integrated Hosting service with your license purchase. Use the same username and password as for your license to log into the integrated hosting and enjoy the perks. If you liked it, check out our attractive yearly plans. If you didn’t, simply use your own or your favourite third-party hosting service - no hard feelings.
1 year free upgrades
Tutorials and Help
Hotspots to 360º Video
Making your tours VR compatible
Live Pano
Animated Panorama
Intro into 3DVista Virtual Tour Suite
Demo Projects to practice
Casa Cascada
New American Home
E-learning Safety at Work
New Skins available
Quick Actions
Live-Guided Tours
Dual Viewers, “Before & After”
Virtual Tours on Oculus Rift…
- Why 3DVista?
- I am new to this field. What is the right program for me?
- Is 3DVista software reliable and stable? What if I have a problem?
- Are there trials for the software products?
- What is the difference between a panorama and a virtual tour?
- …
join our
facebook community:
Make sure to follow us on our corporate facebook page for the chance to get your hands on skins and other little goodies from time to time. And, we also have a very active and helpful user group where the community exchanges knowledge and helps each other.
- Get to know other 3DVista users
- Build and extend your professional network
- Exchange tips and tricks
- Find out about releases, betas and freebies
Looking for new designs?
3DVista Market
Lots and lots of talented 3DVista users come on here to offer and sell their 3DVista creations. You can find anything from individual buttons, entire skins, music, panoramas, entire tours and more.