We receive many emails daily asking which parameters you can add to a virtual tour's URL, to control the language, position, media, hotspot or even field of view that it leads to. That's why we thought it would be handy to post a list with all possible...
We’ve received quite a few requests from you guys asking how you can password protect the movement from one panorama (or room) to the next. Especially for virtual escape rooms and e-learning where you want to make sure your visitors solved a problem before...
Deep linking allows you to define a URL that’ll open your virtual tour directly in a determined media and/or hotspot. So instead of opening the tour where it normally starts – usually the first panorama in your playlist – it’ll let you define...
Want certain customers to open your tour at a certain point, room or even hotspot? No problem. 3DVista now features deep linking on media and even hotspot level. This means you can send custom links (of one and the same virtual tour) that determine where exactly the...