Same Geometry, Different Materials
In today's article, we want to highlight a feature that can significantly improve how we visualize and present our 3D models: the Variants.
This powerful feature allows us to present different materials for an object, always preserving the same geometry, which makes it possible to see various versions or finishes of a product.
Moreover, using variants helps us keep our model as compact as possible, avoiding having to duplicate objects just to change their color or texture. This allows for better optimization of our tour, maintaining proper performance, which translates into better visualization, speed, and fluidity of movements.
Follow the tutorial to see step-by-step the necessary actions both in the preparation part of our 3D model, as well as the subsequent management of the variants in VTPro.
We encourage you to explore this tool and personally experience how it can enrich your own projects.
Some examples to see it live:
More information:
For older versions of Blender, you can download the addon for Variant support for the glTF format here:
Related link:
More information about the possibilities of the glTF 2.0 format: